endori store finder

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Shopping endori products made easy

find endori products at edeka, rewe & co.

Our endori veggie products are already available in many stores in Germany. Just click through our Store Finder to find a store or wholesaler near you.

When it's convenient to go fast: At REWE, you can use the REWE pick-up or delivery service in many regions. You can also have our products conveniently delivered by EDEKA Bringmeister in Munich and Berlin.

endori pea with loupe

Attention peas: The availability of our endori veggie products in the listed markets depends on the stock and the individual assortment of the retailers. All markets in our Store Finder can carry our products in their assortment. If you can't currently find us in the refrigerated section of your favorite market, feel free to speak to the market staff and get in touch with us. Or simply click on the online shop and get your favourite products conveniently delivered to your door in environmentally friendly packaging.

where to find us

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